Thursday, February 25, 2021

little miss sunshine ( imperfectly perfect )

who set the parameters. who defines what's perfect and what's not, life is too short to care for what others think about you and vice versa. little miss sunshine is about a family on a life changing trip.

where do the losers go? what's their story? we all are fed with the information of perks of being a winner but in order for someone's victory there resides a loser the most important part of the game.

not all of us are strong we all feel downfall at some point of life and at that point we all give in to nostalgia to those summer picnics with family, to those afternoon naps after school. its a delight to see how olive shows her support for dwayne, to let him know that his sister is there for him.

the existence of happiness is because of the shadow of sadness in our life, to feel what joy feels like one must suffer the sorrows of world. the best teacher are the bad days.

the ending left us thinking for whom we are doing all this nonsense, society is a creature you can never satisfy. so do what tickles your happy monster, be your own version of little miss sunshine.



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