Wednesday, February 24, 2021

ijaazat ( a night of unspoken words )

once sweethearts are now two strangers who crossed each other once again, ijaazat is a alluring piece of work by gulzar which makes us feel things that we all feel at some point of life.

the movie so beautifully portrays how love can be so different for two people, for maya being proprietorial for mahinder while sudha showed her love by letting him go. 

sometimes all we want is closure, to speak those unspoken words which resides in that conceal part of our heart. this unforeseen encounter between sudha and mahinder scrap that concealed parts of their hearts. 

the song 'mera kuch samaan' is one of the gem out of gulzar's pen. when mahinder sent maya's stuff back to her maya replies to his action by her beautiful poem, she wrote to send back those moments of them in rain to send those kisses those unlimited emotions and love back.

to have a maya is the best and the worst thing. with that incalculable love comes the fear of losing it and that fear make you do things which are not wise, things which have only one result suffering and pain.

people change, feelings change. but that does not mean the love we once share was not true or real.
love is every emotion man feel, but it depends which emotion you let in more.



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